Low Rate icon
Low Rate

Enjoy a fixed rate of just 6.684% APR*, any term.

Low Down Payment icon
Low Down Payment

Only a 10% down payment required, no PMI**!

Flexible Terms icon
Flexible Terms

Choose a mortgage term that fits your lifestyle.

* The annual percentage rate (APR) disclosed above assumes $50,000.00 financed and 10% down payment. The interest rate and points are subject to change without notice. All loans are subject to credit approval by Maine Savings Federal Credit Union.
**Private Mortgage Insurance

Unlock Your Dream Home image

Unlock Your Dream Home

At Maine Savings, we understand the unique challenges Mainers face when it comes to homeownership. Our Vacationland Home Loan is crafted to provide you with the financial support needed to buy a home, whether you’re a first-time buyer or looking to upgrade. We are committed to helping our community thrive by making homeownership more accessible and affordable for all Mainers.

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